
P90X - Day 71 - Chest & Back and ABRipX Christina and I decided as this was the last time before Day 90 that we will do Chest & Back that we would push extra extra extra hard today....and we did. We got half way through and I could feel my heart beating through my ears. I hate that feeling, like you go from 0 to 15,000 feet in about 10 seconds.....ears pop and your eyes start to play tricks on you. Anyway....with that being said, I've been comparing Day 1 to now Day 71....and again as this is the last time we do this exercise before we get our Cap & Gown (ha ha)...I wanted to see the difference....

Regular Pushups -
- Day 1 - 12 Knee Pushups
- Day 71 - 35 Regular Pushups!!!!
- Day 1 - 12 Regular Pushups
- Day 71 - 40 Regular Pushups

Military Pushups
- Day 1 - 5 Knees
- Day 71 - 15 Regular
- Day 1 - 9 Regular
- Day 71 - 20 Regular

Wide Fly Pushups
- Day 1 - 13 Knees
- Day 71 - 35 Regular
- Day 1 - 15 Regular
- Day 71 - 30 With Leg Raises

That my friends feels great. And as we have 2 weeks before the last "Core Week" we have to push it harder than ever. Maybe even to pukeage or dare I say passing out....Naaaaah.

Today during our Ab Ripping it seemed a bit easier...not sure why and then afterward I felt it in places I haven't yet....hmmmmmm could my abs be getting stronger??? That would be great!

I'm out for now...time to eat.