
P90X - Day 47 - Ab Ripper & X Stretch

Today being busy busy, we decided to flip our Stretch Day with our Legs, Back & Ab day....But...we decided to throw in Ab Ripper X to get started.....So with that we did Abs and then through in the X Stretch to finish it off....not to mention we started all of this at 11:10PM....ugh. Christina and I both busted through the exercises....Heels to Heaven is the only one I'm hitting short on....but it'll come.

After 10 hours of training today and then having to come home, set up chairs and then teach LifeGroup, I knew up front there was no way to squeeze in the Legs & Back and do it any real'll push that to Friday.

But, WOW...what an awesome study tonight...we finished out lesson on Scripture Meditation and the 4 levels of Biblical Understanding and then led everyone through a practice of Proverbs favorite. Once that was done we handed out words, topics, or even key scriptures for everyone to begin to meditate on....Now we will get started on lesson topics around who we are in Christ. I can't wait.

Kenpo X tomorrow....ready to keep burning that warmth layer. Then Legs, Back & Abs on Friday.