
P90X - Day 39 - NO YOGA!!! - CARDIO-X

OK....I found my new love. I am officially going to now postpone any Yoga X 1 1/2 hour workout until I'm am into day 91 and beyond. Cardio-X from here on out. With my need for burning the spare tire chub, I need the Cardio....and adding another hour per day is out. So CardioX it is! Now with that said, the Cardio X workout does require some effort not shown on the DVD as it is pretty light, but throw your own intensity into it and you will be sweating your ashtanga off!!!! I'm back to enjoying this part of the week!!! The only thing I'm really going to miss is the Xtreme Corpse Pose.

So for all you awesome Yoga X'ers out there, keep doing what you do, but ask yourself this...."Are you ready for a Cardio throwdown?" HA!

If you are a BeachBody Coach....good for you, but please don't advertise on my blog. I'm enjoying the genuine comradery found from those who just want some general encouragement. Thanks for understanding.