
P90X - Day 6 - Kenpo X

OK....that's what I'm talking about!!!! Kenpo X bringing some fun....Feels good to throw some punches and kicks to punch and kick some work frustrations right to.....where they need to go. Ha. Kenpo X was a great Cardio workout. I cheated today and watched it at work to prepare myself for what was to helped. Man, that was good. Again I think I sweat a 5 gallon bucket full, but who cares.....I just think of it as liquified fat burning off. Yyyyyyes!

This 90 day workout is do-able. If you want Xtreme....this is it. Remember, I'm fat and out of shape...I just made a decision to change my lifestyle and this is it. The diet is helping my energy and attitude and the workout is keeping me motivated to better health.

Day 7 - STRETCH X....stretching is so important as I learned in high school.....ahem almost 20 years ago.

Don't forget your recovery drink!!!!