
P90X Day 0 - Prelude I am, just surpassing my 36th birthday and am so out of shape its not even funny. Last May after a Jeep Run (ROF) in Moab, UT, I decided to drop some pounds. I'm going to be honest here....I was pushing 235 (easy). So.....I started a low/no sugars diet and worked. I dropped 25 pounds in 5 weeks and leveled off at 30 pounds....seemed to sustain 205. Well thats where I kept telling myself that I would start working out. All I can say is that turned out to be an excuse not to. Over the holidays this year I gained 5-10 pounds back and decided ENOUGH! I'm getting old and being a guy who seems to always try to live off my fitness in High School and Basic Training, it aint cutting it.

So....Christina and I kept hearing about a workout program called P90X.....a 90 day, get ripped, get lean, get in shape, get fit, all that program. Sure, it has an infomercial and makes a lot of claims....but could it be all that it says? Christina wound up borrowing a DVD from a friend and did Cardio X one night (kind of on a challenge)....It was the hardest thing I've ever watched. Ha. Then she decided she wanted it for Christmas....I kinda just started telling myself that its now or never and never meant shorter life.....(I can eat). So....I bought it for both of us for Christmas '08.

Here we are Jan 3, 2009 and we took our Fitness Test and our Before Pics. (no you can't see em....(yet)).

As out of shape as I am in, the Fitness Test was a small workout in itself for me. But...its going to be great to look back and compare the results after Day 90!

Next - Day 1.