
P90X Again - Update

OK...I'm a slacker! No posts for a while, but I have to be honest....I have been trying to rest and heal my back, but to no avail....yet. Looks like it is a ligament sprain in the transition from Lumbar to Thoracic...that's my understanding. I'm no Chiropractor, but I'm glad I have one. So....I will be doing a lot of X-Stretch and Ice.....I also just ordered One on One Fountain of Youth Yoga....a bit shorter than YogaX, so I'm looking forward to some deep relaxation and healing. Although I'm going to keep up some biking as I want to keep the fitness level up at the same time. GRRRRR!

Now...on to some coaching! I am so pumped and would like to welcome Keith "Chuba Bubba" Caswell as a new Beachbody Coach. Keith and I met a few years back from Geezer Gamers, before Xbox Live and have been close friends since....He and his wife Dory are doing P90X together and have stepped out to be coaches at Day 55 in the program after already seeing great results! Way to go!

Well...a bit short tonight, we had an amazing discussion tonight at LifeGroup on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We discussed why we have been given the gifts and how most importantly how all of our callings are common in that they all have to do with building God's kingdom. Plus tonight we focused on the gift of Healing....seemed timely.

Anyway....hope everyone has a safe and Happy Independence Day, the Branson's are headed to the mountains to do some Tent Camping!!!! Pray for us, and please pray for the healing of my back.

God Bless